RED-Series: Best Zaandam Businesswoman of the Year 2015

The Return on Education of Daniella Balabanova

Daniella Balabanova has a background in Psychology and is owner of Balabanova B.V. She guides and coaches boards, entrepreneurs, leaders, professionals, teams and departments in change and development processes. The key themes in this are contributions to vitality, inspiration, wisdom and balance. Daniella is alumna of the Executive MBA at Nyenrode and talks in this RED-series about her Return on EDUCATION. She was voted ‘Best Zaandam Businesswoman of the Year 2015’.


In my work, I guide organizations in change and development processes. I do this at the team level and on an individual basis. During my MBA, I learned a great deal about how business really function, and what the relationship is between processes, relationships and content. As a result, I understand which bottlenecks people in responsible positions face in their work, and can guide them with this. I believe in the connection between economic and social structures. This is the basis for meaningfulness, on which successful organizations build. It reveals opportunities to people, so that they dare to take on challenges and can develop themselves. During my MBA, I learned how I can help executives find the right balance between their social, emotional sides and business challenges. As a psychologist, I believe in the added value of business spirituality. I got confirmation of this at Nyenrode.

Social sciences in business context

My Executive MBA broadened my perspective in an exceptional way. I studied BUSINESS PROCESSES in depth and gained a great deal of knowledge about the way in which economic and social interests within organizations influence how the people who work there act. This was extremely valuable. Thanks to my MBA , I am able to link together my academic background in the social sciences to the broad economic and strategic context.

Sustainable relationships

The MBA at Nyenrode has awakened the businesswoman in me. My business instincts have been activated and I have gained insight into how I want to lead large projects, initially, and later on my OWN BUSINESS. What are my core values? What makes my company unique? These are questions I have found answers to. Key starting points for Balabanova are entrepreneurship, professionalism and tight business operations. But by far the most important is a long-term relationship with my customers. This ensures continuity and fits in perfectly with my own personality. It suits who I am.

Guiding people

Nyenrode enabled me to develop another side of myself. This is still of great value to my company, and my election as ‘Best Zaandam Businesswoman of the Year’ is one of the examples that illustrates this. I also acquired the right expertise to be able to guide my customers well. Whether it involves a change process for a team or an executive manager who has to take strategic decisions, I have enough knowledge and insight to be able to guide them. I therefore highly recommend Nyenrode to everyone who wants to develop themselves professionally, and who wants to look for connections between social and economic themes.